Prolung Khmer About Us

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Soul of Cambodia

Meaningfully translating into “the soul of Cambodia”, Prolung Khmer strives to revive the ancient Khmer crafts of cotton weaving and pottery making as it provides skills training to marginalized young Cambodian women at the same time.

Prolung Khmer was registered in 2004 with the Ministry of Interior as a not-for-profit non government organization by a Cambodian, Mr Sin Sokhorn; his Singaporean wife, Tan Seok Ho; and Yuko Ishikawa, a Japanese who has devoted decades to researching Khmer ceramics.

With the support of various Singapore and Japanese organizations and educational institutions, the training centre’s groundwork was laid.

Sales from the products of the project, voluntary services offered by the management and generous donations from individuals continue to hold Prolong Khmer together and touch the lives of countless Cambodians.

Fabrics of passion

“Krama” is the Khmer word for scarf. It is arguably the one single item that is representative of Cambodia as it is used from peasants to royalty.

Variety of ways that it can be used:

  • on the head
  • as a towel
  • as a belt
  • as a wrap when men take a shower in the open
  • as a carrier for a packed meal
  • as a baby seat and as far as your imagination allows

However, with the development of tourism, many weavers are turning to silk which is threatening the cotton weaving industry. Prolong Khmer, through this training program wants to revive and continue the beautiful art of cotton weaving and natural coloured dyes but with a difference- introducing more vibrant colours and different sizes karmas.

Remoulding history

Exquisite Khmer pottery traces its roots as far as the pre-Angkorian kingdoms of Chenla and Funan, as archaeological diggings have discovered. The ceramics produced by Prolong Khmer is a revival of this craft as its design and processes pay more homage to ancient Khmer artistry. Both decorative and practical, the ceramic pieces offer a unique glimpse of traditional Khmer living.

Want to make a difference?

Your purchase of karmas and ceramics pieces will help fund the training programs for young women and to provide a livelihood to the graduates of the training programs. Also, donations of any kind will go a long way in the Prolong Khmer project.

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